Carbonated Beverage Stocks Go the Moon

Carbonated Beverage Stocks Go the Moon

Like the bubbles in their products, sparkling beverage companies rose to the top this year. Despite the ongoing economic struggles of 2022, one bright spot in the stock market was the performance of carbonated beverage stocks. While most portfolios took a hit,...
Kiwis Hit by CO2 Rationing

Kiwis Hit by CO2 Rationing

If you’re familiar with how humans breathe, you probably know that we inhale oxygen and then exhale carbon dioxide (CO2). You’ve probably even heard that the burning of fossil fuels has caused too much CO2 to enter the atmosphere and is a leading cause of climate...
A New Use for Carbonated Water: Oil Extraction

A New Use for Carbonated Water: Oil Extraction

Carbonated water – a refreshing bubbly drink and… extracting oil from the ground? The oil and gas industry has discovered a new way to recover oil, and it’s through carbonated water injection (CWI). Carbon dioxide (CO2) has already been used previously at oil...