Helium-Powered Space Tourism?

Helium-Powered Space Tourism?

What if you could see both Earth and outer space from the comfort of a hot air balloon? Engineers at Iwaya Giken, a Japanese startup, are close to making this a reality. They recently unveiled their helium-powered space balloon which is expected to launch later in...
Hope Floats: New Study Uncovers Hidden Helium Reserves

Hope Floats: New Study Uncovers Hidden Helium Reserves

Have you heard about the critical helium supply crisis? While the first thing that comes to mind when most people hear the word “helium” is the gas used to fill balloons at party supply stores, helium has a number of crucial applications across industries. Essential...
The Helium Shortage and What It Means For the Businesses that Use It

The Helium Shortage and What It Means For the Businesses that Use It

When you think of helium, the first thought that comes to mind is probably party balloons. But helium is used for a wide variety of purposes. Weather balloons, MRI machines, blimps, gas chromatography, fiber optics, NASA, forensics… The list goes on. But helium is...
Gases Used in Your Daily Life

Gases Used in Your Daily Life

Every single day, you encounter gases. While you might think that you might only come into contact with oxygen or carbon dioxide (which you do!), there are so many other gases that are essential to your daily life. Aside from oxygen and carbon dioxide, there is...
Crazy Versatile Cryogenic Gases

Crazy Versatile Cryogenic Gases

We recently talked about cryogenic gases and their typical uses. But these gases — which include argon, nitrogen, oxygen, helium and carbon dioxide — are also widely used for a variety of purposes outside of healthcare, sports and cosmetic procedures. With...