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Are Surgery Centers the Answer to Continued COVID-19 Surges?

As the COVID-19 pandemic numbers surge again in the United States, some healthcare providers continue to ask the question that they have been asking since the beginning: Are surgery centers the answer to continued surges? As early as late March 2020, when the COVID...

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Up, Up and Away: Air Ambulances and Critical Care Patients

Hot air balloons fueled by liquid propane made their debut on the world stage when a balloon by the name of Aérostat Réveillon took flight in 1783. The first passengers? A rooster, a sheep and a duck. Apparently, the balloon managed to fly or float through the air for...

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10 Best Practices for Nitrous Oxide in Your Dental Office

When used for pain and anxiety relief, no drug is more popular in dentistry than nitrous oxide. For the patient, nitrous oxide poses little risk and comes with a two-minute onset and recovery period. For the dentist, there is the ease of administration and greater...

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