Breathing Life into Healthcare

In the realm of medical care, few resources are as vital as oxygen. It’s not just the breath of life; it’s a critical medicine used in treating acute respiratory illnesses, supporting surgeries, aiding trauma patients, and ensuring the well-being of older individuals, pregnant women, and newborns.

The importance of medical oxygen has only grown in light of recent global health challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic exposed the gaps in access to medical oxygen, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Many hospitals and healthcare facilities faced chronic shortages, leaving patients gasping for air and putting immense strain on already fragile healthcare systems.

Even before the pandemic, statistics were grim – nine in ten hospitals in low- and middle-income countries struggled to provide oxygen therapy. This deficiency led to a staggering 800,000 preventable deaths each year.


A Global Response to an Urgent Need

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the Oxygen Emergency Task Force was formed in February 2021 as part of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A).

This collaborative effort aimed to coordinate the response of international organizations and secure grant financing to tackle the crisis of oxygen shortages in low- and middle-income countries.

Since the end of the COVID-19 global health emergency, a new initiative has emerged to carry forward this essential work.

The Global Oxygen Alliance is now stepping in to continue the mission of the ACT-A Oxygen Emergency Task Force.


GO2AL: Bridging the Oxygen Gap

Patient using oxygen
The Global Oxygen Alliance (GO2AL) is designed to provide sustained support for countries facing challenges in the availability and supply of medical oxygen.

Its core objectives include offering technical cooperation, financial solutions, capacity building, and demand-generation strategies.

One crucial aspect of GO2AL’s mission is to ensure that the investments made in oxygen systems during the COVID-19 crisis continue to bear fruit.

This means working with governments and healthcare providers to maintain and expand oxygen infrastructure, making it a permanent part of healthcare systems worldwide.

Additionally, GO2AL is poised to become a strong advocate for medical oxygen access on the global stage.

It aims to give a voice to those who work tirelessly on the ground to make oxygen systems functional and accessible to those in need.


Oxygen Therapy Isn’t Just About Your Lungs

Oxygen tank transporation
“The case for scaling up oxygen therapy is overwhelming,” says Philippe Duneton, Executive Director of Unitaid. Beyond COVID-19, conditions like pneumonia, a leading cause of death among children under five, continue to claim lives due to a lack of oxygen therapy. GO2AL aims to change this reality.

Access to medical oxygen isn’t just about addressing respiratory diseases.

It also plays a crucial role in treating severe malaria, advanced HIV disease, tuberculosis, and more.

With full access to oxygen and pulse oximeters, which estimate blood oxygen levels, mortality rates among hospitalized children could plummet by up to 40 percent.

Peter Sands, Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, emphasizes that access to medical oxygen is a fundamental component of resilient and sustainable healthcare systems.

It’s not just about the present, but also about being prepared for future health threats.


GO2AL’s Impact on Lives

The GO2AL represents hope for millions of people worldwide who depend on medical oxygen for their health and well-being.

It promises to make access to this life-saving commodity more equitable, regardless of geographical location or economic status.

The GO2AL’s goal is clear: to save the millions of lives lost each year due to hypoxemia.


CalOx: A Dedicated Ally in the Fight for Oxygen Access

At CalOx, we understand the profound impact of medical oxygen on healthcare and human lives. That’s why we’re proud to support the Global Oxygen Alliance in this critical mission.

We recognize that access to medical oxygen is not just a healthcare priority; it’s a matter of global health equity.

Whether it’s supporting acute respiratory illnesses, surgical procedures, or other medical interventions, we are here to ensure a reliable supply of medical oxygen. As a dedicated ally, we work closely with healthcare providers, governments, and organizations to meet the demand for medical oxygen.

Our services include not only the supply of medical oxygen but also technical support, capacity building, and a steadfast commitment to maintaining and expanding oxygen infrastructure. Just as GO2AL aims to be a global advocate for oxygen access, we too advocate for the importance of oxygen in healthcare.

We believe that every person, regardless of their circumstances, deserves access to this life-saving resource.


Contact CalOx Today

To learn more about CalOx’s commitment to oxygen access and how we can support your oxygen needs, reach out to us today. Whether you’re a healthcare provider, a government agency, or an organization dedicated to improving healthcare, we’re here to partner with you on this essential journey towards better health for all.

Talk to us today!