You’ve probably heard of cryotherapy. This popular type of therapy, which means “cold therapy,” is a technique that involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for several minutes. Cryotherapy can be delivered whole-body or to just one area, depending on the needs of the patient. To achieve this beneficial therapy, medical-grade liquid nitrogen (also known as LN2) is used.

As a medical-grade gas, liquid nitrogen is produced, tested and controlled according to the highest industry standards, which make it ideal for medical procedures. Since liquid nitrogen can reach temperatures as low as -196°C, it’s perfect for cryotherapy. From migraines to muscle recovery, cryotherapy has a host of uses that can benefit the body and aid in healing.

Woman receiving Cold treatment.


1. Reduced migraine symptoms

By cooling and numbing nerves in the neck area, cryotherapy can help treat the symptoms of migraines. It’s thought that by cooling the carotid arteries in the neck, migraine pain can be significantly reduced. With the blood passing through intracranial vessels and carotid arteries that are being cooled through cryotherapy, relief can be found for some individuals.


2. Decreased nerve irritation

Athletes have long been supporters of cryotherapy to help treat their injuries. One of the reasons why is that it can help numb the pain of an irritated nerve. By inserting a small probe into the tissue, doctors are able to treat the affected area/nerve through cryotherapy. This therapy can help treat everything from pinched nerves to chronic pain and even acute injuries.


3. Additional treatment for mood disorders

With the ultra-cold temperatures used in whole-body cryotherapy, physiological hormonal responses can be triggered. Hormones released through this therapy include adrenaline, noradrenaline and endorphins. Whole-body cryotherapy has proved effective in short-term treatment for those experiencing anxiety and depression.


4. Diminished arthritic pain

Cryotherapy was first developed as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. As a result, localized and whole-body cryotherapy treatments have been proven to significantly reduce arthritic pain. The therapy also allows patients to endure more physiotherapy and occupational therapy, making arthritis rehabilitation programs more effective.


5. Low-risk tumor treatment

Called “cryosurgery” in this context, targeted cryotherapy can be used as an additional cancer treatment. By freezing cancer cells and surrounding them with ice crystals, this therapy helps to treat low-risk tumors for certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer.


6. Dementia and Alzheimer’s prevention

Though still undergoing research to evaluate effectiveness, it’s speculated that whole-body cryotherapy could help prevent Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Because of the anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of cryotherapy, it could prove effective against the inflammatory stress responses seen in Alzheimer’s.

An dermatologist performing a cryotherapy procedure


7. Skin condition treatments

Cryotherapy is also helpful in treating some skin conditions. With diseases like atopic dermatitis, which produces symptoms of dry and itchy skin, cryotherapy improves antioxidant levels in the blood and reduces inflammation. Studies have shown that cryotherapy might even be useful in treating acne. As a result, both localized and whole-body cryotherapy are useful for a variety of skin issues.


8. Weight loss and body sculpting

Though not proven, some people swear by cryotherapy for weight loss and body sculpting. Said to reduce inflammation and boost metabolism while you lose weight, it does have some healthy benefits. The localized version of this cryotherapy is said to target and reduce fat in specific areas. Whole-body cryotherapy involves submerging your entire body in a cryo chamber and is believed to help speed up recovery and weight loss.

Though cryotherapy does prove to be helpful for many, it’s important to note that it is still being researched. However, that doesn’t mean you need to avoid it. Just be sure to discuss it with your doctor and make sure that the cryotherapy you choose is using high-quality medical-grade liquid nitrogen for the most benefits.

Los Angeles companies have trusted CalOx as the local provider of their medical-grade liquid nitrogen for cryotherapy and beyond. Contact CalOx today for liquid nitrogen delivery to your wellness center and medical spa.