Do you own a coffee shop or a bar? If you do, you likely make cold-brew coffee or ready-to-go craft cocktails. But, have you wondered how you could improve your products? One way to do it is to use a liquid nitrogen dose in your beverages.

Liquid nitrogen doses in your beverages can do several things to benefit your products, including cleaning and preserving beverages. Liquid nitrogen doses are known to clean containers and help preserve beverages, and can be used to release gas in beer. Use liquid nitrogen doses to improve the shelf life and quality of your drinks.


Liquid Nitrogen Temperature

Liquid nitrogen is an extremely cold substance and is not something you want to get on your skin. With a boiling point of -320°F (-196°C), liquid nitrogen turns into a gas as soon as it hits room-temperature air. This is beneficial to packaging beverages in several ways.

One, you can use liquid nitrogen to clean the containers you use for your packaged beverages. Because liquid nitrogen is so cold that it instantly dissipates into the air, you do not have to worry about residue left in the container afterward. In fact, liquid nitrogen is so effective at cleaning that it has been used to clean space shuttles.

Using liquid nitrogen dosing in cocktail preparation

Another use of liquid nitrogen is to help add shelf life to your packaged beverages. To do this, you simply add the liquid nitrogen after you have put the beverage into the container. When you add liquid nitrogen to the container, the nitrogen is so cold that it immediately turns into a gas and pushes oxygen out. This increases the shelf life of your packaged beverages. Liquid nitrogen’s temperature also allows it to clean containers by turning into a gas and dissipating in the air, which leaves your containers wholly sterilized.


Liquid Nitrogen for Better Beer

Beer is a standard beverage to add liquid nitrogen to. Many beers use an object called a “widget” to push gas into a beer after it has been opened. These widgets can be costly to add to every single container of your beer, so it’s much more cost-effective to use liquid nitrogen. The liquid nitrogen will remove the high carbonation and give your beer a smoother mouthfeel.

As mentioned, liquid nitrogen is incredibly useful to use in packaged beverages; and you can use it to clean containers, add shelf-life and improve your beer. The temperature of the liquid nitrogen is what does the trick, as it turns instantly into gas once it hits the air, which gives nitrogen its many uses.


How Cold Is Liquid Nitrogen?

Nitrogen has to be cooled to a very low temperature to get it in liquid form. Nitrogen has a boiling point of -320°F (-196°C). To give a point of reference, the average temperature of Antarctica in winter is -76°F (-60°C). So, keep your fingers and skin away from liquid nitrogen to avoid getting hurt.


Improve Your Cold Brew

Using liquid nitrogen dosing in coffee

Liquid nitrogen can improve cold-brew coffees significantly. When added to coffee, the temperature of liquid nitrogen causes it to turn into a gas instantly. This pushes the oxygen out of the beverage and creates a smoothness with the bubbles. In addition, coffee flavor compounds tend to decompose when exposed to oxygen. Thus, using liquid nitrogen to reduce the oxygen in the beverage adds more flavor to the coffee.

In the same way that liquid nitrogen adds taste to beverages by removing oxygen, it also improves shelf life. By removing the oxygen in a packaged drink, the product is less susceptible to spoiling. Dissolved oxygen causes beverages to oxidize. This is what shortens the shelf life of packaged beverages. Use liquid nitrogen to extend the shelf life of your packaged beverage products.

CalOx Inc is a company that provides gases to small and medium-sized businesses. You can use CalOx Inc to fulfill all of your gas needs. Are you interested in using liquid nitrogen to improve your packaged beverages? Reach out to CalOx Inc today.